Quantification Learning library for Python

QuantificationLib is an open source library for quantification learning. Quantification is also known as prevalence estimation or class prior estimation. It is a supervised machine learning task that involves training models to estimate the relative frequencies or prevalence values of the classes of interest in a samples (set of examples) of unlabelled data. Quantification is an important area of research with many applications that vary from ecological analysis, social sciences, epidemiology, etc.

QuantificationLib implements a wide variety of binary and multiclass quantification methods. From well established baselines as Classify and Count or Adjusted Count, to more sophisticated methods like distribution matching methods or ensembles.


The library is designed with quick and efficient quantification experimentation in mind. The classifiers used by the quantifiers are reused by the different quantifiers (no need to train them multiple times). Quantifiers fit methods have also the option to work directly with classifier predictions.

For an introduction to quantification, you can read the quantification wikipedia page. For a more in depth quantification text, we refer the practitioners to the paper:

González, P., Castaño, A., Chawla, N. V., & Coz, J. J. D. (2017). A review on quantification learning. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 50(5), 1-40.


In order to install the library you need Python 3. The library can be installed using pip:

pip install quantificationlib


We recommend to make the installation inside a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install quantificationlib


It is time to train your first quantifier:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import urllib.request

from quantificationlib.baselines.ac import AC
from quantificationlib.bag_generator import PriorShift_BagGenerator
from quantificationlib.metrics.multiclass import mean_absolute_error
from quantificationlib.data_utils import load_data,normalize

#download data
urllib.request.urlretrieve("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AICGijon/quantificationlib/main/examples/datasets/binary/iris.3.csv", "iris.3.csv")
X, y = load_data('iris.3.csv')

# generating training-test partition
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, stratify=y, random_state=1)
X_train, X_test = normalize(X_train, X_test)

#base classifier
estimator = LogisticRegression(random_state=1)

ac = AC(estimator_train=estimator, estimator_test=estimator)
ac.fit(X_train, y_train)

#  Testing bags
bag_generator = PriorShift_BagGenerator(n_bags=10, bag_size=len(X_test),min_prevalence=None)

prev_true, indexes = bag_generator.generate_bags(X_test, y_test)
for n_bag in range(10):
   prev_pred = ac.predict(X_test[indexes[:, n_bag], :])
   print('True prevalence=%f, estimated prevalence=%f, AE=%f' %

The previous example will train an Adjusted Count quantifier over the data and quantify 10 test bags, printing the real and estimated prevalence of each one, along with the absolute error of the quantifier in each bag:

True prevalence=0.688889, estimated prevalence=0.619048, AE=0.069841
True prevalence=0.355556, estimated prevalence=0.298060, AE=0.057496
True prevalence=0.400000, estimated prevalence=0.347443, AE=0.052557
True prevalence=0.177778, estimated prevalence=0.149912, AE=0.027866
True prevalence=0.555556, estimated prevalence=0.396825, AE=0.158730
True prevalence=0.222222, estimated prevalence=0.174603, AE=0.047619
True prevalence=0.755556, estimated prevalence=0.668430, AE=0.087125
True prevalence=0.111111, estimated prevalence=0.051146, AE=0.059965
True prevalence=0.111111, estimated prevalence=0.075838, AE=0.035273
True prevalence=0.844444, estimated prevalence=0.767196, AE=0.077249

This example is taken from here. Check the link for more useful examples.

Library Summary



Packages Details

Indices and tables