Quantifier based on Mixture Estimation proposed by Friedman
# Authors: Alberto Castaño <bertocast@gmail.com>
# Pablo González <gonzalezgpablo@uniovi.es>
# Jaime Alonso <jalonso@uniovi.es>
# Pablo Pérez <pabloperez@uniovi.es>
# Juan José del Coz <juanjo@uniovi.es>
# License: GPLv3 clause, University of Oviedo
import numpy as np
from quantificationlib.base import UsingClassifiers
from quantificationlib.search import global_search, mixture_of_pdfs
from quantificationlib.optimization import solve_hd, compute_l2_param_train, solve_l2, solve_l1
class FriedmanME(UsingClassifiers):
""" Multiclass Mixture Estimation method proposed by Friedman
This class works in two different ways:
1) Two estimators are used to classify the examples of the training set and the testing set in order to
compute the (probabilistic) confusion matrix of both sets. Estimators can be already trained
2) You can directly provide the predictions for the examples in the `fit`/`predict` methods. This is useful
for synthetic/artificial experiments
The idea in both cases is to guarantee that all methods based on distribution matching are using **exactly**
the same predictions when you compare this kind of quantifiers (and others that also employ an underlying
classifier, for instance, CC/PCC). In the first case, estimators are only trained once and can be shared
for several quantifiers of this kind
estimator_train : estimator object (default=None)
An estimator object implementing `fit` and `predict_proba`. It is used to classify the examples of the
training set and to compute the confusion matrix
estimator_test : estimator object (default=None)
An estimator object implementing `fit` and `predict_proba`. It is used to classify the examples of the
testing set and to obtain the confusion matrix of the testing set.
For some experiments both estimators could be the same
distance : str, representing the distance function (default='L2')
It is the name of the distance used to compute the difference between the mixture of the training
distribution and the testing distribution
tol : float, (default=1e-05)
The precision of the solution when search is used to compute the prevalence
verbose : int, optional, (default=0)
The verbosity level. The default value, zero, means silent mode
estimator_train : estimator
Estimator used to classify the examples of the training set
estimator_test : estimator
Estimator used to classify the examples of the testing bag
predictions_train_ : ndarray, shape (n_examples, n_classes) (probabilistic estimator)
Predictions of the examples in the training set
predictions_test_ : ndarray, shape (n_examples, n_classes) (probabilistic estimator)
Predictions of the examples in the testing bag
needs_predictions_train : bool, True
It is True because FriedmanME quantifiers need to estimate the training distribution
probabilistic_predictions : bool, True
This means that `predictions_train_/predictions_test_` contain probabilistic predictions
distance : A distance function (default=l2)
The name of the distance function used
tol : float
The precision of the solution when search is used to compute the solution
classes_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes, )
Class labels
y_ext_ : ndarray, shape(len(`predictions_train_`, 1)
Repmat of true labels of the training set. When CV_estimator is used with averaged_predictions=False,
`predictions_train_` will have a larger dimension (factor=n_repetitions * n_folds of the underlying CV)
than y. In other cases, `y_ext_ == y`.
`y_ext_` is used in `fit` method whenever the true labels of the training set are needed, instead of y
train_prevs_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes, )
Prevalence of each class in the training set
train_distrib_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes, n_classes)
Each column is the representation of the training examples of such class. The column contains the
percentage of examples of each class whose probability to belong to the row class is >= than
the prevalence of the row class in the training set
test_distrib_ : ndarray, shape (`n_classes_`, 1)
Percentage of examples in the testing bag whose probability to belong each class is >= than
the prevalence of that class in the training set
G_, C_, b_: variables of different kind for definining the optimization problem
These variables are precomputed in the `fit` method and are used for solving the optimization problem
using `quadprog.solve_qp`. See `compute_l2_param_train` function
problem_ : a cvxpy Problem object
This attribute is set to None in the fit() method. With such model, the first time a testing bag is
predicted this attribute will contain the corresponding cvxpy Object (if such library is used, i.e in the
case of 'L1' and 'HD'). For the rest testing bags, this object is passed to allow a warm start. The
solving process is faster.
mixtures_ : ndarray, shape (101, n_quantiles)
Contains the mixtures for all the prevalences in the range [0, 1] step=0.01. This speeds up the prediction
for a collection of testing bags
verbose : int
The verbosity level
Notice that at least one between estimator_train/predictions_train and estimator_test/predictions_test
must be not None. If both are None a ValueError exception will be raised. If both are not None,
predictions_train/predictions_test are used
Jerome H. Friedman. Class counts in future unlabeled samples. Presentation at MIT CSAIL Big Data Event, 2014.
def __init__(self, estimator_test=None, estimator_train=None, distance='L2', tol=1e-05, verbose=0):
super(FriedmanME, self).__init__(estimator_test=estimator_test, estimator_train=estimator_train,
needs_predictions_train=True, probabilistic_predictions=True, verbose=verbose)
# parameters
self.distance = distance
self.tol = tol
# variables to represent the distributions
self.train_distrib_ = None
self.test_distrib_ = None
self.train_prevs_ = None
# variables for solving the optimization problem
self.G_ = None
self.C_ = None
self.b_ = None
self.problem_ = None
self.mixtures_ = None
def fit(self, X, y, predictions_train=None):
""" This method performs the following operations: 1) fits the estimators for the training set and the
testing set (if needed), and 2) computes `predictions_train_` (probabilities) if needed. Both operations are
performed by the `fit` method of its superclass.
Then, the method computes the training distribution of the method ME suggested by Friedman. The distribution
of a class contains the percentage of the training examples of that class whose probability to belong
to each class is >= than the prevalence of such class in the training set
Finally, the method computes all the parameters for solving the optimization problem needed by quadprog
that do not need the testing distribution
X : array-like, shape (n_examples, n_features)
y : array-like, shape (n_examples, )
True classes
predictions_train : ndarray, shape (n_examples, n_classes)
Predictions of the training set
When estimator_train and predictions_train are both None
super().fit(X, y, predictions_train=predictions_train)
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Class %s: Estimating training distribution...' % self.__class__.__name__,
n_classes = len(self.classes_)
self.train_prevs_ = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)[1] / len(y)
# for each pair (example, class), this matrix has a 1 if the predicted probability that the example belongs
# to that class is >= than the prevalence of that class in the training set
Vp = np.zeros((len(self.predictions_train_), n_classes))
for n_cls in range(n_classes):
Vp[:, n_cls] = np.array(self.predictions_train_[:, n_cls] >= self.train_prevs_[n_cls]).astype(int)
self.train_distrib_ = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
for n_cls, cls in enumerate(self.classes_):
self.train_distrib_[:, n_cls] = Vp[self.y_ext_ == cls].mean(axis=0)
if self.distance == 'L2':
self.G_, self.C_, self.b_ = compute_l2_param_train(self.train_distrib_, self.classes_)
if self.verbose > 0:
self.problem_ = None
self.mixtures_ = None
return self
def predict(self, X, predictions_test=None):
""" Predict the class distribution of a testing bag
First, `predictions_test_` are computed (if needed, when predictions_test parameter is None) by
`super().predict()` method.
After that, the method computes the distribution of the FriedmanME method for the testing bag. That is,
the percentage of examples in the testing bag whose probability to belong each class is >= than
the prevalence of that class in the training set
Finally, the prevalences are computed solving the resulting optimization problem
X : array-like, shape (n_examples, n_features)
Testing bag
predictions_test : ndarray, shape (n_examples, n_classes) (default=None)
They must be probabilities (the estimator used must have a `predict_proba` method)
If predictions_test is not None they are copied on `predictions_test_` and used.
If predictions_test is None, predictions for the testing examples are computed using the `predict`
method of estimator_test (it must be an actual estimator)
When estimator_test and predictions_test are both None
prevalences : ndarray, shape(n_classes, )
Contains the predicted prevalence for each class
super().predict(X, predictions_test=predictions_test)
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Class %s: Computing prevalences for testing distribution...' % self.__class__.__name__, end='')
n_classes = len(self.classes_)
Up = np.zeros((len(self.predictions_test_), n_classes))
for n_cls in range(n_classes):
Up[:, n_cls] = np.array(self.predictions_test_[:, n_cls] >= self.train_prevs_[n_cls]).astype(int)
self.test_distrib_ = Up.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)
if self.distance == 'HD':
self.problem_, prevalences = solve_hd(train_distrib=self.train_distrib_, test_distrib=self.test_distrib_,
n_classes=n_classes, problem=self.problem_)
elif self.distance == 'L2':
prevalences = solve_l2(train_distrib=self.train_distrib_, test_distrib=self.test_distrib_,
G=self.G_, C=self.C_, b=self.b_)
elif self.distance == 'L1':
self.problem_, prevalences = solve_l1(train_distrib=self.train_distrib_, test_distrib=self.test_distrib_,
n_classes=n_classes, problem=self.problem_)
self.mixtures_, prevalences = global_search(distance_func=self.distance, mixture_func=mixture_of_pdfs,
test_distrib=self.test_distrib_, tol=self.tol,
mixtures=self.mixtures_, return_mixtures=True,
pos_distrib=self.train_distrib_[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1),
neg_distrib=self.train_distrib_[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1))
if self.verbose > 0:
return prevalences